17th April to 25th June 2021
Run for the Birds
A FUN personal challenge event for runners and walkers TO KEEP YOU ACTIVE THIS SPRING AND CELEBRATE THE PEAK DiSTRICT's 70th birthday.
a positive IMPACT on THE UK's original national park: the more DISTANCE YOU cover the MORE work to diversify and restructure woodland WILL TAKE PLACE, improvING habitats and feeding opportunities for RARE AND ENDANGERED birdS.
How it works
There are 4 distance levels to choose from, staring at 70 kilometres though to a whopping 700k.
Each level has a distance target for you to aim for during the 70 days of the event.
Plus you can take part in the Peak District 70th Birthday Challenge Series of virtual events too as you accumulate your distance.
You can cover as few or as many kilometres/miles as you like each day. And if you take part in any of the events in the challenge series, you can include that distance towards your overall total too.
You can enter as many of the virtual events in the series as you like, as many times as you like, until you reach your challenge target. The events are:
The Single Seven : 7km run/walk
Big Seven-Oh Relay : 10 x 7km as a relay (teams of up to six people allowed)
Seventy Up : Time taken to gain 70 metres of elevation
Collection of Seven : Time taken to visit 7 common features shown on an ordnance survey map (place of worship, public telephone, public house, water course or body or water, woodland, 1km of public footpath, trig point)
Win, Lose or Draw : Time taken for you and a partner to separately climb the equivalent height of Win and Lose Hills from the Hope Valley (301 metres and 314 metres respectively).
Kinda Kinder : Time taken to climb the equivalent height of Kinder Scout summit from sea level (636.3m) without visiting Kinder Scout itself.
The Big Seven-Oh : 70km run/walk
If you achieve your target amount over the 70 days you'll receive a specially made memento crafted locally from sustainable wood. Plus you can compete for other prizes in various categories, including - but not limited to - the best performances in the challenge series.
A significant proportion of your entry fee will go to the Peak District National Park Foundation charity, and will be used on work to diversify and restructure woodland within the park to improve habitats and feeding opportunities for birds. As well as helping rare and endangered bird species survive, breed and thrive, this important work is part of a strategy to ensure our original national park is protected and enjoyed by visitors for many generations to come. The more distance that is covered during the event, the more birds can thrive.
All participants will receive a 20% discount voucher from the Derby Runner as well as the other
things listed below. Visit their website for information on making purchases during Lockdown.

Covid Hardship: If you, or someone you know, would like to take part in the event but can’t afford the entry because of financial hardships brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, please contact us via email to info@peakrunning.co.uk and request a free ‘Peak Running Community Entry’. We have a limited number of these available to support people within our community with their physical and mental health.
Also, if you would like to sponsor a place for someone else – either someone you know or anyone who would like to enter but cannot afford it, please get in touch. This can be by donating an entry fee or donating credits/places on ice you have from Peak Running events cancelled/postponed due to coronavirus.

The Peak District
70th Birdthday Challenge Series
Seven challenges to add to the fun!
Challenge Series Rules
Participation in the challenge series events is optional and included in your entry fee.
These are informal virtual events that you can take part in at your own risk. You will need to plan your own routes which can be anywhere, provided you adhere to the current coronavirus rules.
As you would on a training run, you are responsible for taking care for the safety of yourself and others while you run and complying with coronavirus restrictions and guidelines.
To enter an event you must complete the specific challenge in a single outing and must comply with current coronavirus restrictions. You cannot complete more than one event simultaneously, e.g. run a hilly 7k and count it as both your 7k and 70 Up result.
You are responsible for timing your effort. Times must be based on 'elapsed' time (the difference between the time of day you start and the time you finish) not 'moving time'. If you stop during your effort (e.g. to take photographs, visit the toilet etc.) this time must be included in your race time, as it would be in a normal race.
Race times must be submitted via the ResultsBase website as soon as possible after you have taken part.
To be eligible for prizes based on times and race positions, you must be able to provide evidence (such as links to or screen shots of GPS recordings on Strava or Garmin Connect) for your race efforts. Details of the specific evidence required for each event are provided below.
There will be results for each event, and prizes for the fastest male and female time.
There will also be prizes in other categories not based on time or position (e.g. best photos).
The Single Seven
Rules: Simply the fastest you can cover 7km non-stop
Evidence required: A screenshot of your activity, clearly showing distance covered and elapsed time.
Big Seven-Oh Relay
The accumulative time for you and your team mates to cover 10 x 7km.
Each leg must be covered non-stop and separately, not concurrently, i.e. two or more team members cannot count both times for their leg if running together.
You can have between 2 and 6 members in a team, all of whom must be participants in 'Run for the Birds' and have entered under the same team name.
Individual team members can run up to 5 legs.
Each leg must start after the previous one has finished, which can be immediately but does not have to be.
Evidence required: A screenshot of the activity for each individual leg, clearly showing, team name and leg number (in activity name), distance covered and elapsed time.
Seventy Up
Rules: Time taken to gain 70 metres of elevation.
Evidence required: A screenshot of your activity, clearly showing elevation gain and elapsed time.
Collection of Seven
Rules: Time taken to visit the following 7 common features shown on an ordnance survey map: (i) place of worship, (ii) public telephone, (iii) public house, (iv) water course or body or water, (v) woodland, (vi) 1km of public footpath, (vii) trig point. Must be done as one continuous run/walk.
Evidence required: (i) A screenshot of your activity, clearly showing distance covered and elapsed time. (ii) A screenshot or photo of your route, clearly showing the 7 features required to visit.
Win, Lose or Draw
Time taken for you and a partner to separately climb the equivalent height of Win and Lose Hills from the Hope Valley (301 metres and 314 metres respectively).
Based on the accumulative time for you and your team mate for the two climbs.
Each leg must be covered non-stop and separately, i.e. both team members cannot run/walk together.
Each leg must start at the same time (within 15 mins of one another).
Both team members must be participants in 'Run for the Birds' and have entered under the same team name.
Evidence required: A screenshot of the activity for each individual leg, clearly showing, team name and hill name (in activity name), elevation gain and elapsed time.
Kinda Kinder
Rules: Time taken to gain 636.3 metres of elevation, without climbing Kinder Scout itself.
Evidence required: A screenshot of your activity, clearly showing elevation gain and elapsed time.
The Big Seven-OH
Rules: Simply the fastest you can cover 70km non-stop
Evidence required: A screenshot of your activity, clearly showing distance covered and elapsed time.
The Peak District National Park Foundation
The Peak District National Park Foundation is a registered charity established to raise funds to care for The Peak District National Park and make it more inclusive.
The Foundation’s vision is a National Park enjoyed and conserved by everyone, forever. It should be a vibrant, colourful, and safe home for the wildlife we all love.
The Park’s heritage tells the story and inspires future generations, so let’s celebrate it.
Our right to enjoy the National Park was hard won by ordinary folk. In that spirit, let’s fight to make it ever more accessible, for everyone to enjoy.
But it is also unique and very fragile; we must always strive to keep it special.
This is what we believe – and why we exist. With your support, we can start to make good things happen.
The Mission is to grow income and support to care for the Peak District National Park for everyone to enjoy forever.
The aim is to raise funds and create a culture of philanthropy supporting the Peak District National Park.
The Foundation supports activities which keep the Peak District special and make it a National Park for all. It connects people who care about the National Park and have the means to support it with the partners striving to care for this special place for everyone.
They want to see more land managed for wildlife, more rare habitats protected and more people able to enjoy the Peak District National Park
The priorities are:
Preparing for a future climate
Conservation and habitat restoration
A National Park everyone
For more information visit their website here
Background2024 will be the fifth edition of our Peak District Ultras. Creating an iconic ultramarathon for the Peak District is something that Peak Running founders, Andy Brooks (Brooksie) and Chris Hopkinson, had been thinking about for many years before. As a fell and trail runner since the mid 90's, Brooksie has always had a penchant for going long. So, while there have been some great races in the Peaks over the years, satisfying that desire has traditionally meant travelling a long way from his Derbyshire home. To take on his first 100-miler, he had to go all the way to the mountains of Virgina, because there was yet to be one in the UK in those days! Chris' passion for mountain marathons in remote locations, and the challenge of planning routes through the terrain, is something that has seen him travel to other parts of the UK, and overseas (including Iceland and Japan) over the years, to enjoy his fix too. The increase in popularity of mountain and ultra-running in the UK in more recent times has led to some fantastic events emerging in the other national parks. Something that the guys have revelled in. But their own backyard, the Peak District, was still crying out for something special in their view. Our aim, therefore, with The Peak District Ultras is to provide an event that's not only a fantastic experience for those taking part, but something that is also a special day for the communities within our favourite playground, the 'original' national park. In our view, the Peak District is the best place on the planet to go for a run. Click HERE to to understand why.
Race EthosOur ethos for the event is aligned with our ethos for Peak Running as a whole. We want it to be an event that is capable of challenging even the most experienced ultra-runners, while also inspiring those within the wider running community to push their boundaries and achieve things they may not have thought possible themselves. So, in addition to the race itself, there is bags of guidance and support available to help you achieve your ambitions and complete the event safely. We want there to be some tough competition at the front of the fields in each distance. But we also recognise that, for the majority, simply finishing is winning for them. So even if you're not a fast runner, or you'd prefer to hike, it's designed to accommodate you. From a broader perspective, we want to make it an event that has a positive impact on the Peak District, its communities and the local environment. An event that residents, local businesses, and those that look after the delicate landscapes within the park, support and look foward to. Our commitments to this fundamental aim for the event include: Donating a proportion of the profits to the Peak District National Park Foundation charity to help them protect this wonderful park, for everyone, forever. Building strong relationships with the park authorities and land managers, their rangers and other stakeholders. Organising conservation days for runners to help carry out important conservation and restoration work on the trails within the park. Using the event as a vehicle to help promote and educate people on the work and behaviours necessary to maintain the beauty of the park for future generations. Using community facilities for event HQ and checkpoints wherever possible. Using local independant buinesses for supplies, such as race mementos, t-shirts etc. Ensuring there will be no trace of the event by the time it is wrapped up on the Sunday.
EntriesEntries, including changes to a different distance, will close on Monday 26th August or earlier if the capacity is reached. Entries after 1st July 2024 are not guaranteed a finishers memento. The prices for entries are: Millstone 100 : £147 Limestone 50 : £77 Peveril 33 : £57 The above prices are subject to a £2 supplement for participants who are not affiliated to UK Athletics or members of the Trail Runnings Association. By purchasing an entry you agree to the terms on conditions specified below in the 'Taking Part' section of this website.
What's Included?Participation in a race on a spectacular route in the Peak District National Park Detailed results, including intermediate check-point splits A unique memento for finishers Comprehensive event handbook Access to a detailed route description GPX file of the route Well stocked aid stations Hot meal at the finish Support from an highly experienced and enthusiastic event team Live GPS tracking (for Millstone 100 participants) Professional medical support UTMB World Series qualifying points for finishers Option to purchase a high quality event technical t-shirt (order when entering)
LocationThe event in based in the heart of the beautiful and vibrant village of Castleton in the Hope Valley. The village is situated at the foot of the historic Peveril Castle and surrounded by spectacular hills. The base for the race and event HQ is The Peveril Centre which is on the western side of the village. The address is: The Peveril Centre Buxton Road Castleton Hope Valley Derbyshire S33 8WP
ScheduleFriday 30th August 2024 16:00 Registration Opens – Millstone 100 only 17:30 Registration Closes 17:30 Race Briefing – The Millstone 100 18:00 The Millstone 100 starts Saturday 31st August 2024 06:30 Registration Opens 08:15 Registration Closes 08:30 Race Briefing -The Limestone 50 & Peveril 33 09:00 The Limestone 50 & Peveril 33 start Sunday 1st September 2024 06:00 Deadline to complete all races
Event TeamOur event team, The Blinding Peakers, are renowned for their enthusiasm and ability to bring a sense of fun to an event, while maintaining the professional standards needed to ensure a smooth and safe event for all involved. They’re nearly all runners themselves, and many are ultramarathon veterans. So they know what it’s all about and know what you need, maybe even before you do. If you are interested in joining the team please contact us.
Car and Campervan ParkingA dedicated event car and campervan park, with temporary toilets, will be provided close to race HQ in Castleton. This is available to both participants and supporters throughout the weekend for a small charge. Permits for use can be purchased when registering for the event on the Fabian4 entry system. Full details of the arrangements will be provided in the Event Handbook prior the event.
Local AccommodationThere are various accommodation options in the area. Locally there are two Youth Hostels (Losehill Hall and Edale Activity Centre) and a number of camp sites which take tents. There are also various pubs with accommodation, B&Bs and holiday cottages. The nearest large towns/cities with greater accommodation options are Buxton (10 miles), Chesterfield (15 miles), Sheffield (15 miles), Stockport (15 miles) and Manchester (20 miles).