Over recent months we’ve been giving a lot of thought to what the future looks like for Peak Running. And, in particular, how we can best continue to serve the community we’re here to support with the limited resources we have.
Part of this process has been to revisit what the original motivations for establishing our little social enterprise were, and the passions and values that drove them.
Things which those who have been part of our community for a while (or have ever read the ‘about’ section on the home page of our website) will - no doubt - understand.
The other part of the process has been to consider what we may need to do less of to enable us to do more of the stuff we’re really passionate about - and thus be of value to more people. And to allow us to make the most of the opportunities that have come our way over the past couple of years. Such as the Jog Derbyshire initiative and collaborations with various other organisations.
Anyway, as a result of our ponderings…..
In the coming year we’ll be taking a new approach to the races/challenge events that we organise ourselves. Which will see some changes and, in the short term at least, a few less events of our own.
For our larger events in the Peak District we are delighted to announce that we will be partnering with our good friends from CraggRunner, Darren & Jules Graham.
This partnership is a fantastic fit given their extensive experience in organising trail and fell races on the northern side of the Peak District. And, in Daz’s case, working as Race Director on epic races like The Dragon’s Back and Cape Wrath Ultra.
But, mostly importantly, their runner centric and community driven ethos around organising events is very similar to our own. Something I have first hand experience of, having taken part and volunteered at quite a few of their events.
This year they will be supporting us with the planning and delivery of The Peak District Birthday Bash (12th April) and The Dovedale Dipper (2nd August).
The Peak District Ultras (usually the weekend following the August BH) will be taking a break this year while we, in conjunction with Craggrunner, consider what do do with it going forwards.
The Ultras have created some great memories for many over the last 6 years but, unfortunately, that time of year has become increasingly congested with ultras in the Peak District - with more organisers from outside the area moving in. Meaning it’s become impossible to avoid clashes of dates and, therefore, the negative impacts on the landscape and local communities are a growing concern.
As for our other races:
Brooksie’s Bash (summer edition) will be moving from its normal July slot. And we are currently looking at a few possible changes to the format to keep it true to its original intention, i.e. to make it inclusive for people of all abilities and levels of experience. We’ll update you in this later in the Spring.
The Fractured Marathon is on hold for now. But, much like the summer Bash, we’d love to make it happen at some point this year. Its unique format creates such a brilliant atmosphere, and we know how much both we and many of you enjoy it.
Frustratingly, at present we don’t have the capacity to plan and organising this event alongside our community focused work. However, if anyone reading this is keen to try their hand at race organising on this one - with our guidance and support of course - then we’d love to hear from you.
On that note, if any individuals or groups out there in our community are interested in event organising, either to bring an idea they have to life, or to revive one of our previous events, then we’d be keen to hear from you. And explore how we can support you in making it happen.
Finally, many thanks, as always, for all the support from members of our community so far in 2025. Thanks to you it’s been a fabulous first couple of months with - amongst other things - a very smooth Winter Bash, many of you involved in Run for the Trees, and a growing community getting their dose of #trailtherapy with us.