Coaching and Runner Support
Options to suit all needs
Note: The coaching side of things is very busy at the moment, so capacity to take on new clients is limited. Please email info@peakrunning.co.uk to enquire about availability before signing up to any of the packages on-line.
We are uniquely placed to help you achieve fantastic things with your running, whatever your level of capability and experience. Perhaps even things YOU yourself didn’t realise you were capable of!
But what sets us apart from others? A combination of five things:
1. Our belief:
We believe that running is about much more than finishing times, mile-splits and set distances. It can be an adventure - both physically and in self-discovery. And, if you’re up for an adventure, the chances are you’ll have a lot of fun while discovering what you’re truly capable of.
2. Our experience:
We’ve been tackling races and personal challenges for over 25 years, over distances from less than a mile to 300 miles plus, and over all types of terrain from purpose made running tracks to high altitude mountain ranges. Over the many 100s of races we’ve done, we’ve come last, we’ve come first and we’ve finishing in just about every position in between. So, whatever your level of experience capability, and whatever your goal, we’ll be able to relate to you.
3. Our expertise:
The fact that we are licensed running coaches, qualified through both UK Athletics and the US based Lydiard Foundation, is only a small part of the equation.
Our level of experience across the various running genres and other sports would be hard to match, with specialisms in fell, trail and ultra-running. Plus we have experience of working with teams and individuals within business and other environments, so know how coaching in a broad sense can be very powerful in improving people’s performance and enjoyment of an activity.
This means we know exactly how to tailor advice and training to your individual needs, and are able to support you in a wide range of areas, such as:
Goal setting
Bespoke personalised training plans
Efficient posture and running technique
Skills for different terrain
Injury prevention
Nutrition strategies
Kit choice
Route planning and navigation
Personal safety in remote areas
Building confidence and mental strategies
Performance under pressure
4. Our passion:
What drives us is a strong passion to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary things through running. A passion that stems from two things we love:
(i) The freedom that running provides, particularly when it’s in beautiful places, away from the stresses and strains of everyday life.
(ii) How running can enhance people’s lives in so many ways, be that improved physical fitness, new skills, mental well-being, greater self-esteem or improved confidence.
5. Our community:
When you get involved with us, you become part of a thriving community of great, like-minded, friendly people that share our passions. So, you don’t just get the benefit of our own expertise. You’ll have access to a limitless pool of knowledge and experience, both from other runners and the team of experts that we collaborate with.
Our standard support packages are detailed below. These are designed to enable us to support a growing community of runners in a way that offers great value for money, without watering down the level of professionalism and quality.
These all include a blend of face to face/1:1 and on-line/remote services. The reason for this is because, while the internet offers great flexibility and time efficiency, we feel that the opportunities for people to speak 1:1 and for groups to physically meet is important. Our experience is that it improves our ability to support you, and it’s great at enhancing the power of the mutual support within the wider community.
If you can't see exactly what you're looking for below, would like to talk to us about tailoring something to your needs, or are an experienced coach yourself and would like to collaborate with us, please get in touch via info@peakrunning.co.uk
Due to the coronavirus crisis and the current guidelines from the Government and England Athletics, there are certain restrictions on the 'in person' activities we can do at present. These are evolving at the moment, so if you have any specific questions on how they may impact on our coaching and related activities please get in touch via email to info@peakrunning.co.uk
1. Runner Support Package
Fantastic range of personalised support and other benefits.
This is our standard package, which provides loads of information, guidance and support help improve your running and related skills, whatever your goals. Equips you with tools and knowledge to plan your training expertly.
It includes:
1:1 consultation (up to 45 mins) with an experienced professional coach every 3-months to assess your needs and provide expert advice on how to achieve your own running goals.
Half day group meet-up, incorporating guided run and coaching on different aspects of off-road running (varying locations in Derbyshire / Peak District and the Surrey Hills). Subject to Covid-19 restrictions.
Weekly live on-line group Q&A sessions with our experts.
Membership of a closed Facebook Group to enable mutual support and accountability across the group.
Access to a growing library of training plan templates, with guidance on how to tailor a plan to meet your needs.
Access to our expert resource library of documents and videos, which is continually updated.
Access to trail and fell running route library (including downloadable gpx files)
Discount on other activities/services (e.g. guided runs, workshops, navigation courses)
Priority race entries for Peak Running events
The package is based on a three monthly, renewable subscription, payable in monthly instalments.
£30 per month or £25 with 12 month subscription (equal to 2 free months)
2. Runner Support Package Plus
ALL of the Runner Support Package plus your personal training plan by a professional coach
All of our Runner Support Package services and benefits, plus:
Your highly personalised training plan prepared for you by an expert professional coach.
Our system is designed to give you the flexibility to upgrade from our standard package to this Runner Support Package Plus at any time. Or to downgrade to the standard package at the end of each 3-month period.
£50 per month or £45 with 12 month Runner Support subscription
3. Personal Coaching Package
ALL of the Runner Support Package plus a much closer 1:1 working relationship with a coach
This is our top level package but has limited places available.
In addition to the benefits of the standard Runner Support Package, clients work closely with a coach, one to one, on an ongoing basis.
There is scope to tailor the arrangements to suit the clients needs, but it typically includes:
An in-depth consultation and report at the outset
Personalised training plan, edited and updated as required
Unlimited contact via WhatsApp/Messenger
Weekly catch-ups on-line or via telephone
Monthly review meetings
Additional guidance and support on achieving goals
While the minimum period commitment is 3-months, we recommend that clients commit to at least 6-months in order to gain the full benefit of the arrangement.
Prices agreed on an individual basis depending on needs.
4. Upgrade to Enhanced Coaching Consultation
A longer in-depth session with a professional coach with written report
Upgrade the standard consultation to get additional face to face time with a professional coach. This will help you determine/review your goals and provide an in-depth assessment of your personalised needs.
The session will be followed up with a written report providing you with a training strategy and specific guidance for achieving your goals.
5. Additional One to One Session with a Professional Coach
As required additional time with a coach
These sessions give you the flexibly to have additional face to face time with a professional coach to cater for your own specific requirements.
This can be a discussion on training needs etc., a practical session on running technique or other skills, or a combination.
Sessions can be in person or (if only a discussion session) via Skype/Zoom. Up to 90 mins duration.
Meet the Coaching Team
A huge advantage of working with us for your coaching and support needs is that we work collaboratively across our growing team of coaches and others with related specialist expertise. This means that you don't just get the benefit from the expertise of one coach, you get access to a whole team with a massive amount of knowledge and experience.
Andy Brooks (Brooksie)
Judith Palmer (Jude)
Our Coaches

Andy Brooks (Brooksie)
Brooksie's is head coach at Derbyshire based Peak Running. A UK Athletics Licensed Running Coach and Lydiard Foundation Level II Coach, as well as qualified Mountain Leader. A leading UK expert in trail, fell and ultra running with almost 30 years experience in the sport.

Judith Palmer
Jude is head coach at Run Surrey Hills and is a UK Athletics Licensed Running Coach specialising in Trail & Fell Running. In addition to extensive running experience she is an accomplished Swim-Run competitor and former sailing world champion.

Emma Campbell
Emma leads Running Summits, based on the western edge of the Peak District, and is a Lydiard running coach, Personal Trainer and Hill & Moorland Leader.
Having discovered running later in life, she has a huge passion for helping others transform their lives through running adventure.
Our Resident Specialists

Emma Roe
Emma is a highly experienced massage therapist (The Derby Therapist), with additional expertise in holistic gait analysis, pre-hab and re-hab for runners. A keen mountain and fell running enthusiast with a particular interest in self-navigating mountain marathon events..

Interested in joining the team?
If you are a specialist in an area important to runners and would be interested in collaborating with us for mutual benefit, please get in touch.